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  • Writer's pictureErica Mascarenhas

It Takes Less Than 30 Seconds To Say I Love You, So Say It While You Can.

I was actually stumped as to what to write about today. I kept trying to come up with ideas that were creative and that would make people want to read and nothing came to me, and then I got a call from my uncle telling me that he would finally be going back to work tomorrow.

Why am I telling you this? Well, approximately 8 months ago in June 2018, he met with a train accident and nearly lost his right leg. By some stroke of what I like to call divine intervention, he didn't need an amputation. But, the surgeries were extensive and even with the best possible outcome, his doctors were unsure if he would be able to walk normally again. Recovery was going to be a long road but the physicality of it was the least of his problems. One can only imagine what he was going through mentally.

Where I'm going with this is, everyday either on the news or in the newspapers we hear about train or road accidents and we sympathize with the victims and their families, never imagining that this could ever happen to someone we care about. It happened to me, and I froze as my world spun out of control. The only thing that ran through my mind was that I hadn't told him how much he meant to me and that I loved him in a really long time and that we needed more time as a family. So, when I got that phone call today, I remembered that I have a lot to be grateful for.

What I'm trying to say is, the next time somebody you care about is leaving the house, tell them you love them, remind them that they mean a lot to you. It doesn't matter if you've fought the previous night or if you haven't spoken in months, you never know when the last time you see them or hear their voice will be. We may not be as lucky as I was.

Xoxo, Erica

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